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Lawn Care Tips to Help Your Yard Survive a Drought

Nature Plus Lawn & Irrigation • November 1, 2017

When the dry season hits, it’s important to invest in the appropriate lawn care to ensure your garden is getting enough moisture. In the interests of water conservation, however, many jurisdictions place legal restrictions regarding how much and when you are permitted to water in times of drought. How can you keep your plants satisfied in the face of limited resources?

Here’s how to get your garden through tough times:

  • Time Your Watering: Watering your lawn in the middle of the day when the sun is beating down and quickly drying up moisture won’t get you far. Instead, water in the evenings. Also, don’t soak your garden indiscriminately—check the soil first. You can do this by sticking a screwdriver in it; if it’s easy to push into the earth, there’s no need to water, but if you have trouble getting it down, your plants are thirsty.
  • Boost Your Soil: There are ways you can enhance your soil so it better retains moisture. Add organic matter to sand- or clay-based soils. You can even create your own compost using natural kitchen scraps from fruits and vegetables. Don’t add meat or dairy to your compost, as this can attract unwelcome animals.
  • Aerate, Mulch & Mow: In addition to composting, mulching can also help prevent moisture from escaping the soil. First, make sure you are aerating in the spring and fall to open up the soil and ensure roots are absorbing nutrients. Then, add a layer of wood chips or bark three to four inches deep to your garden beds and around the base of any trees. Finally, when it comes to mowing your lawn, cut regularly but never shorter than one-third of the grass height—this is the optimal length to retain moisture.


If you need help with your lawn care and irrigation, Nature Plus Lawn & Irrigation in Cincinnati, OH, will help. These professionals serve Hamilton, Butler, Warren, and Clermont counties. From fertilization to weed control, they provide all the lawn services you need to make your yard look great. Find out more about their services online. To discuss your needs with a member of their team, call (513) 755-9434.

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