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How to Identify Common Lawn Diseases

Nature Plus Lawn & Irrigation • July 22, 2021

A healthy lawn is both pretty and practical, boosting your home's curb appeal. Unfortunately, pests and disease can interfere with your grass' health, leaving your yard looking brown, sparse, and generally unattractive. Identifying the issue lets you implement an appropriate lawn treatment. The following guide explores how to recognize common lawn issues.

Brown Patch

This lawn disease is true to its name, as it is characterized by circular patches of dead, brown grass. Sometimes these circles can be as big as three feet in diameter. You can prevent brown patch by avoiding over-fertilization and excessive watering, as high humidity contributes to the condition. Adjusting irrigation techniques and moderating fertilizer can fix the situation.

Red Thread Disease

his lawn care issue causes grass to develop a bleached or reddish tint. The blades may be "tied" together by red spores that create reddish threads. Red thread lawn disease can be caused by everything from poor air circulation to excess shade or too much humidity. Lawn care treatments may range from aeration for allowing more oxygen into the soil to decreasing watering.

Dollar Spot Disease

This lawn issue causes large circles—about the size of a silver dollar—to appear on lawns. Individual blades generally develop yellowish spots, giving them a straw-like appearance. This issue is usually caused by insufficient fertilization, although drought and excess thatch can also be to blame. Adjusting fertilization and irrigation and removing thatch can help.


Nature Plus Lawn & Irrigation of Cincinnati, OH, can diagnose and treat various lawn diseases. This lawn care company takes a holistic approach, addressing everything from irrigation to soil health. Every new customer gets started with a complimentary soil test. Find out how it works on their website. To schedule lawn treatment, call (513) 755-9434.

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