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How to Choose the Best Fertilizer for Your Lawn

Nature Plus Lawn & Irrigation • June 13, 2024

Fertilization provides your grass with the nutrients it needs to create lush, thick growth. Not all fertilizers are suitable for all landscapes, however. Just like people, different grasses require different diets. Here, the professionals of Nature Plus Lawn & Irrigation in Cincinnati, OH, explain how to choose the right solution to suit your garden’s needs. 

What All Fertilizers Should Include

When you shop for fertilizer, you’ll notice the bags display three numbers. These indicate the percentage of nitrogen, phosphorous, and potassium included in the mixture. While nitrogen ensures a lush color, phosphorous strengthens roots and potassium builds strong plant cell tissue.

Different types of fertilization materials will have different ratios of these three elements to suit diverse needs. Some serve to feed your lawn while also killing weeds, for instance, while others are “feed only” formulas. 

There are also different formats of fertilization materials. Liquids absorb quickly but require reapplication every few weeks. Granular models are easier to control when applying and require less frequent reapplication. You can also look to organic types, which break down and take action slowly. 

How to Find the Right Type for Your Lawn

The key to finding the right fertilization option for your lawn depends on the type of grass and quality of the soil. Before buying any fertilizer, check the pH level of your soil. Plants grow best with a pH of 6 to 7, ranking neutrally on the pH scale of 0, most acidic, to 14, most alkaline. 

Remember that it’s not only about what you feed your lawn but also how and when. Already established lawns reap the most benefits from fertilization during active growth periods—early spring and fall for most types. Aerate beforehand and use a lawn spreader to evenly distribute the solution. 

Nature Plus Lawn & Irrigation in Cincinnati, OH, has more than 25 years of experience helping clients create lush, healthy gardens with the right fertilization approach. First-time customers get a free soil pH test. They can get you strong results, even where other lawn care services have failed—as their online testimonials show. To discuss your needs, give them a call directly at (513) 755-9434.

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