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Does Your Lawn Need Aeration?

Nature Plus Lawn & Irrigation • August 24, 2016

Air and water support life, and access to these elements is essential for a thriving lawn. This is why aeration is important, say the experts at Nature Plus Lawn & Irrigation. Serving Cincinnati and the surrounding areas, this leading Ohio lawn care company provides a host of services designed to boost the health and beauty of your lawn, including aeration, professional irrigation, and more. 

If your lawn's soil becomes overly compacted, this will prevent air and water from circulating, causing your grass to become starved of these vital elements. Aeration reverses compaction by creating tiny holes in the soil that allow air, water, and other nutrients to easily reach the roots of

your lawn's grass. Below are three questions to ask to determine if your lawn is in need of aeration:

  • Does Your Lawn Face Frequent Vehicle Traffic? If vehicles—including lawn mowers—frequently drive across your lawn, their weight will put pressure on the soil, and this will create compaction. Over time, this compaction will rob your lawn of key nutrients and cause it to lose its lushness. Aeration is advisable in this situation.
  • Does Your Lawn Take A Long Time To Drain After It Rains? Aerated soil will easily absorb rain water, but the opposite is true for compacted soil. With compacted soil, water tends to gather in puddles after a downpour. These puddles often linger for a while, taking a long time to drain. This symptom indicates a need for aeration. 
  • Has Your Lawn Even Been Aerated? If your lawn has never been aerated, it will benefit from having this service performed. If you want proof that aeration is necessary, test for compaction by pushing a pencil into the soil. If the soil is compacted, it will be hard and resistant, and you'll have a difficult time getting the pencil to penetrate the earth. 

Help your lawn grow and flourish with the expert care provided by Cincinnati's Nature Plus Lawn & Irrigation. Call (513) 755-9434 to schedule an appointment, or explore their aeration services and more by visiting them online

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