This weed is generally low-growing, but it can get up to 2 feet tall in some cases. It thrives in hot conditions, so you’ll notice crabgrass during the summer.
Once crabgrass forms seeds, they can stay in the soil for years, so it’s important to control this weed right away. To do that, mow your lawn every couple of weeks during the warm season. Make sure the lawn stays around 3 to 4 inches tall. If it grows quickly, you may need to mow weekly.
This perennial plant is particularly aggressive and hard to get rid of with a weed killer. Plus, it can grow 2 to 4 feet tall. It spreads via seeds and rootstocks. If you have canada thistle on your lawn, you’ll notice it growing in the spring. In the summer, it’ll produce purple flowers, especially during July and August.
Because the weed has a deep root system, it’s difficult to control. In fact, the roots can grow nearly 15 feet. To stop it from taking hold, use a hoe when they first start growing. Another option is to take away the nutrients it depends on. Do this by planting competitive crops, such as winter rye.
If you’re having trouble keeping the above weeds at bay, contact Nature Plus Lawn & Irrigation. Serving Hamilton, Butler, Warren, and Clermont, OH, they’ve been working with Cincinnati homeowners and business owners for over 25 years. They provide affordable weed killer and lawn care services. Call (513) 755-9434 to set up an appointment, or visit their website to learn more.
Phone: 513-755-9434
Address: 9624 Cincinnati-Columbus Rd.,
Cincinnati, OH 45241