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A Guide to Fall Fertilization

Nature Plus Lawn & Irrigation • November 5, 2021

Most homeowners strive to maintain healthy, beautiful lawns, and many assume that spring, the active growing season, is the most crucial time to feed a lawn. However, fall fertilization is an essential component of a comprehensive lawn care routine. Fertilizer provides your grass with nutrients it needs to grow lush and dense, fueling strong growth and an attractive appearance. Here's why you shouldn't forego a fall feeding.

Why Fertilize in the Fall?

Although grass goes dormant in winter, the roots are still growing and developing under the ground making it still important to fertilize in the fall. The nutrients you provide will strengthen plants for the winter—plus, any extra nutrients will be stored in the roots, giving the grass a readily available fuel source to tap into when spring arrives. This can spur the first significant boost in growth when the weather warms up.

What Type of Fertilizer Should I Use in the Fall?

Fertilizers are formulated with various breakdowns of the key nutrients: nitrogen, phosphorous, and potassium. Nitrogen supports foliage growth, while phosphorous supports root growth, and potassium supports the photosynthesis process. A fall fertilizer generally has a breakdown of nitrogen, phosphorous, and potassium, respectively. However, every lawn is different, so it's best to have an expert test your soil to determine what nutrients your lawn needs.

Fall Fertilization Best Practices

Ideally, fertilizer should be applied two to three weeks before the first frost, in the morning or early evening. This allows the dew on the grass to moisten the turf, making it easier for fertilizer to penetrate the earth. Before fertilization, the lawn should be cleared of leaves, mowed, and aerated, relieving soil compaction and ensuring the fertilizer can penetrate to the roots below. If you don't have the time for these tasks yourself, a lawn care professional can help.


For assistance with your fall fertilization in the Cincinnati, OH, area, trust Nature Plus Lawn & Irrigation. These experts have over 25 years of experience in the region and know what it takes to create a lush lawn that can survive Ohio winters. They provide each new client with a soil test, ensuring they can give your lawn exactly the nutrients it needs. Find out how it works online, and call (513) 755-9434 to schedule yours.

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